Affitti Brevi Periodi Roma, the reference portal for rentals and holiday homes
Affitti Brevi Periodi Roma offers a wide range of apartments available for temporary or tourist rentals (holiday homes). A convenient and functional portal, to which property owners can entrust the management and income of their home and where those looking for accommodation can find hundreds of selected proposals.
Are you looking for a holiday home or short term rental in Rome?
In our database there are properties located in different districts of Rome and with very different characteristics. Perfect opportunities for those who are looking for accommodation for a limited period of time, perhaps driven by personal or business needs or because they are in the city for a pleasure trip.
Are you the owner of a property in Rome?
Affitti Brevi Periodi Roma team offers a modular and customizable service package that allows you to make your own home income while continuing to have it, taking advantage of the opportunities of the short-term rental and holiday homes market.
Holiday homes
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Temporary leases
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Are you an owner and would you like to offer us your property?
Do you have an apartment in Rome and want to have a guaranteed income by continuing to have it? We offer you the solution!